What is the distance between Wichita and Dodge City
The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between wichita and dodge city is 236 km= 147 miles.The distance between cities of kansas (us) is calculated in kilometers (kms), miles and nautical miles.If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from wichita to dodge city, it takes 0.26 hours to arrive.The distance between dodge city and wichita is approximately 147 miles, or 236 kilometers.Dodge city, ks and wichita, ks are in the same time zone (cdt).
Driving distance from dodge city, ks to wichita, ks is 154 miles ( 248 km).Half of the trip is reached in.Turn right onto east kellogg drive.154 miles or 248 km.This is the fastest route from wichita, ks to dodge city, ks.
There are 139 mi or 225 km straight line distance between dodge city, ks and wichita, ks.Wichita, ks and dodge city, ks are in the same time zone (cdt).The distance is the same either way if you're flying a straight line (or driving the same roads back and forth).Flight distance from dodge city, ks to wichita, ks is 146.5 miles.Even though you can drive this distance straight through, it might be more interesting to stop along.
Mileage figures for travel outside the borders of kansas can be obtained using information from aaa, bing, google.The above said location can be reached from the starting position in 9 hours 44 minutes.Estimated flight time is 00 hours 20 minutes.Well there are a few different ones that you can view which provide a bird's eye view of the terrain on the road map from dodge city to wichita.If you're looking for a meeting place or a good stop around ½ or halfway between dodge city and wichita, you can try pratt, ks, which is a little over 1 hour east of dodge city, or about 1½ hours west of wichita.
This is the fastest route from dodge city, ks to wichita, ks.