Why is it important not to stigmatize someone with a mental disorder
Experiences mental illness each year, so it's likely you or someone you know will be affected by it in your lifetime.Family and friends may distance themselves, increasing feelings of isolation.Why should mental disorders be viewed like any other physical illness?Stigma can lead to discrimination.Far more than any other type of illness, mental disorders are subject to negative judgements and stigmatization.
Often, people avoid or delay seeking treatment due to concerns about being treated differently or fears of losing their jobs and livelihood.Many people struggle with mental illness — in any given year, one in five people in canada experience a mental health problem or illness — but it is still heavily stigmatized.This stigma and discrimination makes many people's problems worse.People with mental illness represent, perhaps, one of the most deeply stigmatized groups in american culture.Common misconceptions about people living with mental illnesses/mental disorders.
More than half of people with mental illness don't receive help for their disorders.Truth is, we all have 'mental health' problems from time to time but as soon as you try and get help, you are in danger of being labeled.Schizophrenia causes a person to have hallucinations 4.Many patients not only have to cope with the often devastating effects of their illness, but also suffer from social exclusion and prejudices.