Why is my sperm yellow and jelly like
Now the presence of yellow jelly in the sperm usually indicates that you may have an infection of the prostate which can caue the yellow discoloration of the sperm.If you also notice foul smell with yellow semen, the chances are you have an infection.This can happen when bacteria from your urinary tract gets into your prostate gland.This can also cause issues such as pain while urinating or even pain in the rectal region.Yellow semen is rarely cause for concern.
Ahmad m hadied and another doctor agree 39 thanksThis can vary slightly depending on your genes, diet, and overall health.George klauber answered specializes in pediatric urology probably normal:1 doctor answer • 1 doctor weighed in share dr.Yellow, grayish color or a white translucent semen color;
Difficulty urinating (pain & high frequency) cloudy urine painful ejaculations pain in the penis areaWelcome to ja and thanks for this question.Same thing, but one is allowed to coagulate while the other is swimming in fluid.Pink, red, or brown semen typically indicates blood in.Once hydrated over a period of a few days, the white spurts of youth return.
I've had this for some time now and i think,in my opinion, that it is part of the semen that helps get a woman pregnant.