Is it OK to say sweet dreams
This guy is the romantic type.How to say sweet dreams in italian?What can i say instead of sweet dreams?What does gn mean from a girl?It's both appropriate and kind to say sweet dreams at the end of the night.
But i'm not tired person b:It's both appropriate and kind to say sweet dreams at the end of the night.How do you flirt in german phrases?Synonym for good night anyone can say goodnight.What is the meaning of gute nacht?
The expression sweet dreams is a very romantic gesture coming from a guy.When that one person puts you to sleep/ tells you to go to bed, it feels different and you will certainly have sweet dreams.By flickab july 18, 2008Mom says to her son sweet dreams that is ok son says to his mom sweet dreams it is strange|yes you can.Can you pronounce this word better or pronounce in different accent or variation ?
Dreams are never mentioned in such a way.