What does Yoda say about failure
That fear would prevent me from starting or following up on many things.To live halfheartedly, this is the most stupid thing in life.Then, only then, a jedi will you be.Failure to do so would mean as sure a danger of falling into the dark side as exists.It is not only the yoda's most memorable line but it is also a wakeup call to many.
He was also once the master of the order.Most of us go through life doing everything in our power to avoid failure, yet yoda speaks the truth here.In his final words to luke, as the two watch the tree burn, yoda says:Short, they might be, but these yoda quotes pack enough punch to awaken the wise force within you.I used to be terrified of failure.
These qualities were alive and well when he first encountered yoda in the flesh, and yoda well understood that luke would have to learn to control his emotions, to discipline his impulses and to face his fears with a cool head.You fail because you don't believe.This quote about failure may be his best in the saga.Without faith, we can only go so far.He's telling luke not to try, or, in other words, not to assume that he will fail before he even attempts the task.
When luke quickly points out that he will try, yoda doesn't think what luke needs and in return tells luke it's either he does it or not, there is no trying.You fail because you don't believe..Much of this wisdoms is captured in wise yoda quotes, some of which have even found their way into everyday speech. wisdom they held, but that library contained nothing that the girl rey does not already possess.Below you'll find the best yoda quotes on life, learning, patience, fear, failure and of course the dark side.
No other way to be happy there is.That is why you fail. when luke says he doesn't believe in the power of the force, yoda serves up this piece of wisdom.