Why do I have white hair instead of gray
Why do i have white hair instead of gray?Thyroid or vitamin b12 deficiencies can also cause hair to turn white or grey.Home remedies for white hair curry leaves.It was this giant mystery to me.When you have absolutely no normal strands left, you've got white hair.
Even when hair is in the process of turning white some hair retains partial melanin (the colour pigment) leaving a gray effect.There are many thoughts as to why someone's hair turns gray, from age to stress and everything in between.As people age, meanocytes slow down their production of melanin or stop working altogether, which results in a lack of pigment.Because status quo may appear to dictate color over grey.Some go gray or even completely white relatively early in life;
I have white hair instead of gray or silver & have never colored my hair.As with any hair color change, you must continue to color the new growth roots about every four to six weeks.Going white was fairly painless as there were no roots to hide.It only appears grey or white by the way light is reflected on them.Some people never turn completely white haired because some hairs never lose their melanin.
Your genes can lead to defects in the cells that produce melanin, or stop this melanin production at an early age, per the library of congress.Like you, i got my first white hair at 17.Hair gets its colour from a chemical called melanin, which is pumped in by cells at the base of the hair follicle.When it sheds, a new strand grows in its place, and it is gray.Wanting a new look to give off your best energy.